Class Recordings

Below is a list of the class recordings made since the end of 2020 (latest first). Under each date is a brief description of the class focus. The classes are all 75 minutes with 3 special sessions at the bottom of the list of one hour.

You will need a LINK & PASSWORD to access these recordings so please contact me with your chosen class (by date) and I will ping you back the info to access it.

Each session is £7 with access for a week. I also have bundles of classes (10 sessions) available for £20 for a month’s unlimited streaming.


Monday 21st August, ‘23

Fingers, wrists and toes, shoulder and hips. (Last class in the Corona Cabin!)

Monday 7th August, ‘23

Forward Bends & opening the back of the body.

Monday 31st July, ‘23

Hippy Shoulders 🙂

Monday 24th July, ‘23

Diagonal opposites, side stretches and backbends

Monday 17th July, ‘23

Postures used: core activators, dolphin, warrior with arm variations, hip openers.

Monday 10th July, ‘23

Triangle, pyramid, fallen star and twists.

Monday 3rd July, ‘23

Class includes work towards side plank (upper body strengthening)

Monday 26th June, ’23

Pelvis focused class using lunges and variations from Warrior

Monday 19th June, ‘23

A bit of this and a bit of that!

Monday 12th June, ‘23

Backbendalicious! via twists and abs we work towards Locust and bow poses.

Monday 5th June, ‘23

Shoulder Focus; working towards sarvangasana (shoulderstand) and plough.

Monday 24th April

Releasing exercises for shoulders and hips with work in to pyramid, pigeon & cow’s head pose.

Monday 17th April

Work towards Ustrasana (Camel pose)

Monday 11th April

General class with focus on hips and shoulders. Poses covered include; cactus & eagle arm positions, dolphin and seated straddle leg sequence.

Monday 3rd April

General class with work towards shalabhasana (locust) backbend

Monday 20th March

Cross body work using twists, diagonal stretching and strengthening.

Monday 13th March

General class working on all areas. Poses include warrior sequence and balances, sphinx, locust and bow.

Monday 6th March

Chairs, forward bends, leg strengthening and twists.

Monday 27th February

Forward Bends and Balances

Monday 20th February

Focus on hips and shoulders with balancing pranayama to finish.

Monday 14th February

General class with releases for neck, shoulders, hips and legs.

Monday 6th February

3 part breath and work in to hips. Postures include pigeon and variations.

Monday 30th January

Focus on the abdominal area with breath work, postures and exercises to stimulate and strengthen.

Monday 23rd January

Focus on mid rib area, postures include standing, seated and balancing twists and back bends.

Monday 16th January

Class with focus on the chest region. Energising and freeing it from blockages associated with this time of year. Postures include chest openers, dolphin, eagle and gomukasana arms.

Monday 9th January

Welcome in the new year with and all-over body stretch and strengthen.


Monday 12th December

Last class of 2022 featuring Track (candle meditation). You will need a candle….!

Monday 5th December

Poses featured: warriors with arm variations, dolphin, eagle and lunges.

Monday 28th November

You will need a yoga strap (or non-stretchy scarf, belt, dressing down tie or martial arts type belt). Working tension and knots out of the body with the help of these straps

Monday 21st November

Hips & Shoulder mash up!

Tuesday 15th November

Postures to strengthen legs and release shoulders.

Monday 31st October

An All Hallow’s Eve practice including twists, arm balances and hips stretches.

Monday 24th October

Twisty McTwisty 🙂

Monday 17th October

Core warm up sequence followed by standing and balancing flow.

Monday 10th October

General class with focus and variations for upper body.

Monday 3rd October

General class with focus on the spine and backbends

Monday 26th September

General class with focus on hips. Postures include gomukhasana (knee pile) and pigeon with some arm and shoulder variations in warrior.

Tuesday 20th September

Shoulder releases with an added twist (or 3!)

Monday 12th September

Twists to release the back and release the core.

Monday 5th September

Featuring Warriors with arms variations and quad stretches.

Monday 22nd August

General class with work towards Ustrasana (camel pose) and variations.

Monday 15th August

Hips, shoulders, warriors and arm variations.

Monday 1st August

Happy hips? Postures include: warriors, pigeon and gomukhasana (knee pile).

Monday 25th July

Work towards side plank with dolphin, sphinx sequence.

Monday 4th July

General class with warrior variations and some upper body focus

Monday 20th June

Stabilising and strengthening the sacrum area.

Monday 13th June

Focusing on the core muscles in order to feel grounded & connected.

Monday 6th June

Focus on the 4th (Heart) Chakra

Monday 30th May

Inspired by those who did the triathlon and 100 mile London bike ride this weekend – something to help stretch our those legs and hips.

Monday 23rd May

General class featuring low and high lunges, twists and working towards Parivrtta Trikonasana (revolved triangle) pose.

Monday 16th May

Neck un-winding, shoulder releasing, arm balancing session!

Monday 9th May

Focus on Manipura (3rd) Chakra. Core focused twists and backbends.

Monday 25th April

Intent/Focus: 2nd Chakra (Svadisthana) / pelvis & hips region.

Monday 11th April

Chakra Focused Practice

Monday 4th April

Class includes balancing sequences, upper body strengthening and flexibility.

Monday 28th March

General Hatha Class with some focus on upper body. Poses Include sphinx, dolphin and neck releasing exercises.

Monday 21st March

Focus on hips and standing sequences to support.

Monday 14th March

Focus on wrists & shoulders

Monday 7th March

Gate pose, warriors, pigeons, pranayama & backbends.

Monday 28th February

Twists & Hips

Monday 7th February

Pelvic floor focused class. Learning to engage with Mula bandha (root muscle lock) and uddiyana bandha (navel lock).

Monday 31st January

Focus on diagonal lines of energy; working through a series of twisting poses.

Monday 24th January

Strap based class – using the belt/strap to assist in postures.  (You will need a strap…..!)

Monday 17th January

Focus on shoulders and upper body, poses include dolphin, bird wing, supported side plank, crow.

Monday 10th January

Abs, cat warm ups, standing sequences, pranayama (breathing) practice.

Monday 5th January 2022

First class of 2022, easing back in gently clearing congestion in smaller joints and surrounding fascial tissue in order to open up the larger joints of the body.


Tratak Meditation only

20 minute candle meditation and relaxation.  (You will need a candle!)

Monday 13th December

Includes back bends, pigeon and finishes with tratak meditation

Monday 6th December

Focus on 2 major junctions; pelvis and shoulders.  Thread the needle, bird wing, binds and option for bird of paradise.

Monday 29th November

Includes: Hip work, straddle, squat, pyramid, triangle, warrior 3 sequence.

Monday 22nd November

75 Minute class. Focus on shoulders and upper body; stretching and strengthening using arm balances, eagle, cactus and dolphin.

Wednesday 17th November

90 minute class. Includes twists, lunges, hip stretches.

Monday 8th November

75 minute Class.  Includes abdominal sequence, standing balances and shoulder work.

Monday 1st November

Building energy and removing sluggishness using opening breath sequence. Wrist stretches, side bends, side opening into extended standing sequence.

Monday 25th October

Hip and shoulder openers. Asanas include: Lizard, dancer, pigeon.

Monday 18th October

Awareness to breathing softly without force. Standing and balancing sequences include twists, warrior 3, half moon pose.

Monday 11th October

75 Minute Class with a focus on hips/pelvic region.

Monday 4th October

Acknowledging the change in season with focus on the chest centre. Includes strengthening upper body and back bends.

Monday 27th September

Relax tensions and drop in to the pose. Asanas include tree, warrior and knee pile sequences.

Monday 6th September

60 minute class containing abs, arms, back, hips and twists!

Monday 16th August

Slow Flow from Head to Toe

Monday 9th August

A mix of slow flowing sequences containing side, back, forward bends and twists.

Monday 2nd August

YOU WILL NEED A STRAP for this class. Working with the straps we can work in to poses that may often be out of reach or deeper in to some stretches. If you don’t have a ‘yoga’ belt, a long strap (like a martial arts belt), dressing gown tie or tie will work just as well.

Monday 26th July

Finding balance between the flow. 75 minutes.

Monday 19th July

General hatha yoga session with the intent of working with pratyahara, absorbing distractions in to our practice.

Monday 21st June

75 minute class celebrating the Summer Solstice with sun salutation variations and focus on solar plexus

Monday 14th June

75 Minute Class – Happy Hips & Hamstrings

Monday 7th June

75 minute class. Asanas include dolphin, eagle arms, crow and shoulderstand.

Wednesday 2nd June

75 Minute Class with Salutation ‘Medley’ (Earth, Sun & Moon) and working towards Ustrasana (Camel).

Monday 24th May

75 minute class covering hip and shoulder work, asanas include Tree, frog, pyramid and standing sequences with arm variations.

Monday 17th May

Intent: to use breath to rinse tension from the body. Working towards side plank.

Monday 26th April

75 Minute Class. Starting seated sequence to warm up hips and lower back. Standing Warrior Sequences.

Tuesday 20th April

75 Minute general class, Asanas include: Ab exercise warm up, Standing balance sequence, twists and gentle back bends and releases.

Monday 12th April

75 minute general class. ‘Lucky Dip!’

Monday 5th April

75 minute class featuring Warrior Sequences with upper body variations

Monday 22nd March

60/75 minute class. ‘Spring Cleansing/Cleaning’ Stimulation of the upper body, chest and ribcage.  Clearing stagnation to lightness & Space.

Monday 15th March

60/75 Minute practice with focus on connecting to easy breath through asana and transitions between postures.

Monday 8th March

60/75 Minute practice entitled ‘Hipsy & Twisty’!

Monday 1st March

Building energy from the ground up using postures and pranayama to manipulate energy through the spine.

Monday 22nd February

60/75 minute class featuring poses and exercises that focus on hips and variations within those sequences.

Monday 15th February

60/75 minute class featuring forward bends and counter-poses to assist in deeper variations.

Monday 8th February

60/75 Minutes session with themes of diagonal stretches, standing and lunge twists.

Monday 1st February

60/75 Minute Session with sequence for abdominal strength, standing and seated forward bend variations.

Monday 25th January

75 Minute Class with focus on the legs

Monday 18th January

60/75 Minute class focusing on glutes and hips

Monday 11th January

60/75 minute class continuing the new year Pawanmuktasana (joint releasing exercises) for the upper body.

Monday 4th January

60/75 minute practice to start the new year.  Using traditional Pawanmuktasana (releasing poses) to manipulate the joints and eliminate stiffness. Followed by standing sequences and dolphin variations.  **The first 10 seconds of audio are mute as I forgot to turn my mic on!**


Monday 14th December

60 minute practice or 75 minutes with candle meditation.  If you’d like to practice, have a candle ready to use.  

Monday 7th December

60/75 minute class with postures included to warm up back, wrists and feet to prepare for standing sequences.

Monday 30th November

60/75 Minute class working on postures/exercises to increase strength and flexibility of the spine

Monday 23rd November

60/75 Minute Class working on shoulders 

Monday 16th November

60/75 Minute class for strengthening legs

Monday 9th November

60/75 minute class featuring twists and backbends **first few minutes missing**

Monday 2nd November

60/75 Minute version of 5th November class featuring twisted ab work, eagle, Dolphin and Warrior Sequences

Monday 19th October 
60 Minute or 75 minute (ish!) practice featuring twists, lunges and variations in pigeon pose. 

Monday 12th October 

1 hour or 75 minute offering (There is a pause and holding of child’s pose at 60 minutes allowing a shorter 1hr practice or option to continue for another 15 minutes to include a floor based warm-down and relaxation.


Sivananda 1 Hour Session

Traditional Sivananda Sequence Class. Includes steps towards headstand. Caution advised, modifications given.

Forrest Inspired Session (1 Hour)

One hour practice focusing on a longer standing sequence and incorporating some Forrest Yoga inspired transitions and cues.

Restorative Session

Recorded on Monday 19th October 2020, this class is similar to those offered on the retreat days I’ve done over the years.  It is A LOT slower than my regular classes and you will need a thick blanket you can roll up or a bolster cushion, along with any further cushions, pillows, yoga bricks or blocks you may have.  A good replacement for yoga bricks are a couple of toilet rolls.